Preventive Maintenance Program

Preventive Maintenance Program

Preventive Maintenance Program

It is essential to regularly check and maintain your leveling bridges and all other dock equipment to prevent serious damage and to ensure the safety of workers. To do this, we recommend that you call on our team of technicians who have been specially trained to provide quality services as part of the Preventive Maintenance Program.

What services are offered under the preventive maintenance program?

At Canado Nacan Equipment, we offer a full range of preventive maintenance services:

  • Cleaning: this step is important to remove dirt that can reduce the performance of your equipment or even damage it. It also optimizes their longevity.
  • Lubrication: the appropriate lubricants ensure the proper functioning of the equipment and protect it against premature wear, corrosion or even the formation of mold.
  • Adjustment: loose or badly placed parts can slow down work and expose workers to more or less serious dangers. Our technicians therefore put them back in the right place.
  • Inspection: as part of prevention, our technicians carefully inspect the equipment and check every corner in order to spot any anomalies. They also offer repair solutions if it becomes necessary.
  • Report: we then write a complete report to inform you of the services we have performed as well as any problems to be solved.

Why consult us ?

Canado Nacan Equipment works with qualified and serious technicians who have followed specific training with manufacturers in order to be able to offer you the best services. We also offer attractive prices suitable for all budgets. We also distribute the products of our partner the Rite-Hite network in several regions of Canada.

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